Ah, so much has happened since my last post. In June, we made it to New York and back and had a blast. I'll have to wait to post pictures until I get them from Veronica as my camera wasn't working.
In July, Emma was a feautured author at the California State Fair, where she sat for two hours signing autographs. (I don't think the acclaim has gone to her head.) We were also able to make it to the poultry building, so Will got some tips on how to show Jack, his Black Giant rooster.
A couple of weeks ago, Emma, my Dad and I went for a ride up to Russian Lake to clear trails
with the Back Country Horsemen. We had a great time, despite my literally passing out cold when I got off my horse, and a flat tire on the pick-up on the way down. Fortunately our delays meant we stopped back at the BCH campsite just in time for a delicious tri-tip dinner!
Ben was able to spend a few days at Shasta Camp above Lake Siskiyou with his friend Eli. Maddie, our blue heeler, had seven puppies and our Pea Hen had four chicks. Two of them have survived so far. As Will says "Everything has a baby!" (Except me, thankfully!)
Earlier this week we had the FFA and 4-H Beef project kids out to fit their steers and heifers. It's hard to believe the Fair is less than two weeks away. We'll be busy with a chicken, a lamb and a steer!
In the ranching world, we've started cutting 2nd crop. The transformer on the pump went out, which means we are completely without water. I made a quick trip to Medford to pick one up, so we're just waiting for it to be installed.
It sure makes us appreciate running water when we have to haul water to the animals. I'm also waiting to mop my floor, which is suspiciously sticky. So life on the ranch is essentially back to normal; something is broken and awaiting expensive repairs.
See you at the Fair!
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