Monday, June 7, 2010

Skinny Sheep and Poor Grammar

We sheared our sheep on Wednesday and they
are looking very good (although much smaller). We have a cool shearer who trades for hay. When we do it ourselves it takes about 45 min per ewe. Multiply that by 80 and it would take us approximately 60 hours to get through our flock. I think. I'm an English major... you do the math.
Jim is on his way right now to pull the bulls (sounds scary) from the cows. We'll cull off a few open cows (not bred) and sell them. Then they are off to the neighbor's pasture for about a month until it's time to take them up on the range where they will spend the summer.
Our guru explained how to keep the internet from kicking me off every time I post or download a picture (Thanks Dave!). That should help to keep me blogging. Which I've found is surprisingly therapeutic. And hopefully, not terribly annoying. (I know those are incomplete sentences, but I don't care.) (I also know I am using too many parenthetical statements, and again, I don't care. I'm freeing myself from grammatical correctness).
Happy Ranching

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