So a few things have happened since 2010 :-). It's hard to believe it's been that long since I posted anything, but I kind of forgot about the blog. Looking back, I think this was a good way to keep track of life on the Bryan-Morris Ranch, and it's amazing what all has changed in what feels like a relatively short period of time. We started growing sunflowers in addition to wheat and hay in 2013. We have a contract with Sunfield, a subsidiary of Syngenta, to grow hybrid seeds. Hay prices went through the roof last year, which is good for us, not so good for some. That's one of the hard things about farming, sometimes you benefit from the struggles of others. I guess it all works out in the long run. When I first started blogging we were barely recovering from the 2008 financial crisis and not sure if we could make it. This year , things are definitely much better and we were able to put in a pivot above the ditch. That gives us more options for growing different crops, such as sunflowers, which need pivot irrigation. In 2010 Emma had just won the "Imagine This" writing contest with her story "Late Night Lambing". It turns out the beef industry has been equally good to her as she earned a spot on the 2013-14 National Beef Ambassador team in September. That meant her Senior year of high school was crazy busy with traveling across the country representing the beef industry in addition to applying to colleges, looking for scholarships, playing volleyball, completing her Senior Project, serving as officers for ASB and FFA, being a finalist in the state FFA speaking competition and maintaining good grades and an active social life. Whew! She's been to Arkansas, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Colorado with the beef ambassadors and is on her way to New York right now. In two weeks she is off to New Jersey, which should be her last trip before she starts Cal Poly in the Fall. 
The boys are also plenty active with their animal projects, sports and working on the Ranch. Ben is raising a steer again and Will is raising a lamb. Ben plays football and basketball; Will plays basketball and baseball. They will probably miss their sister next year, though I'm not sure they would admit it. Will is headed to camp on Sunday, Ben will be at Football Camp and Emma on a trip with her mentor, Melanie Fowle, president-elect of American National Cattlewomen. I guess I will get a taste of the empty nest.