Friday, February 26, 2010

"Eat Lamb, Wear Wool" ... and "Eat Beef, Wear Leather"

We're up to over 100 lambs now and I've had several in the dining room. Two ewes appear to have quadrupled, which is pretty rare! I decided to include a picture of branding from last spring, as we do have cattle too. Our acquiring the sheep is a funny story. We were at a California Ag Teachers convention in San Luis Obispo a few years ago and they were giving out door prizes. There were some cool prizes like flat screen TVs, power tools, vacations etc. Jim ended up winning license plate covers that said "Eat Lamb, Wear Wool." So we put them on our car as a joke, (after all we're cattle people!). Two months later we purchased 40 ewes. We took those license plate covers as a sign from God that we were to go into the Sheep business. :)