We're experimenting with getting our website going and apparently a blog is supposed to be part of it. So what do ranchers blog about? It's hard for me to imagine that anyone would be interested in such things, but perhaps I'm wrong. After all, we pore over old journals to understand life from years ago, so perhaps this is the equivalent. (Will people pore over old blogs in the future? Scary thought). And realistically, I don't think anyone will ever read this so it probably doesn't matter.
Well today is another scorcher and it's only supposed to get hotter. The swather is broke down, hay isn't selling, one of the 4- wheelers literally burst into flames last week (while Jim was on it, no less), the squeeze is not functioning and it looks like the wheat may not make it in this unrelenting heat. Just another day in paradise. The good news is the cows are happily out on the range, which means anything you need to do until the cows come home, you now have approximately 3 1/2 months to complete.
We're getting ready to start cutting 2nd crop (provided the swather gets fixed), and got a tremendous yield on first. I did see two loaded hay trucks leaving the valley today, so maybe things will start to move :)!
Until next time,
Happy Ranching!
Don't forget the Old Time Rodeo in Etna this Saturday (July 25). Ben took the above photo at the May Rodeo last year.